
This blog is about my friend Jeanne and me. I met Jeanne on the internet years ago and since have kept contact with her through emails and common interests. A few years ago I was lucky enough to meet with Jeanne in person and it has made our friendship closer. Recently Jeanne bought herself a camera and we decided to create this blog and share some of our photos and hobbies.

You will notice this blog is in both English and Dutch.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Ik kan het niet laten!

Ik kan het niet laten! Mijn uitzicht is weer zo mooi !
Nu tegen de avond

"Mijn"pony staat een beetje beschut, op zoek
naar wat gras!

En hiervoor had ik snel mijn camera gepakt!
De ondergaande zon.

Boven de voetbalvelden

Geen woorden nodig, dunkt me! Bekijk ze door erop 
te klikken!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

eerste foto's 2013

Ochtendzon bij eerste sneeuwval dit jaar

Hier de foto niet verbeterd. Is net zo mooi!

De lens zo groot mogelijk gemaakt!

En dit is mijn eerste kaart, voorlopig zonder
bestemming. Zoals je zien kunt heb ik 
stempels gebruikt. 

Dit is de voorkant van de kaart. Ik was niet tevreden
 over de randen, vandaar de ribbon erover.
Is me wel tegengevallen, want waarmee
netjes te bevestigen?

Monday, 14 January 2013

How is January treating you?

Well here the year started out just fantastic with near 0 temperatures.  We then got a cold spell and some snow and now it is an up and down situation with snow off and on.  A good time to spend some time in my hobby room.

This is my third card of the year.  My other cards can be viewed on my Offline Creations blog.  This card I made for a challenge where I had to spray card stock with gesso.  I could first work the background and then spray or just spray plain card stock   Well this is my result.
This is the front of the card.  I took some white card stock and sprayed it with colour wash ink.  I then sprayed it with gesso.  Added the tree frame and houses and the card was made.

This is the inside.  Again I sprayed the paper with colour wash ink but did not add the gesso spray.  

On to my next project.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Another year gone and on we go to a new year.  Lots of happenings in the last year but I am sure the new year will bring us new happenings.  I have not worked on my photos as yet since my last posting but I would like to show you how we celebrated New Years as a family.

These are our children and grandchildren having fun 'camping' at Opa and Oma's new house.  Yes it is still camping as we do not have the inside finished at all yet but we do have heat and I guess that is pretty important around here.  I just realized we do not have any pictures of their bedrooms while they were camping.  There is always next year.

But now for the pictures or click the link to start the slide show.
de Groot's New Year's Celebration!

Enjoy and wishing you all a Very Happy New Year!!!