
This blog is about my friend Jeanne and me. I met Jeanne on the internet years ago and since have kept contact with her through emails and common interests. A few years ago I was lucky enough to meet with Jeanne in person and it has made our friendship closer. Recently Jeanne bought herself a camera and we decided to create this blog and share some of our photos and hobbies.

You will notice this blog is in both English and Dutch.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

We are not the only ones building . . .

Our son Lance and his wife Teri bought a parcel of land recently about 2 hours east and north from us.  It is undeveloped land with no building what so ever on it and they hope to be living there in the near future ( a 20 year plan I think).  But the first thing you need on your property, even if it is just visit there on weekends, is an OUTHOUSE.  So they came to our place to build an outhouse.  Following are pictures I took of Lance and Teri building their outhouse according to Teri's plans.
First they build the base which will be put on the hole and then the 'building' will be put on this base.

Got the base done and now we work on our first wall.

First wall done.  It all seems to be working well.

Screwing together our second wall.

Close up off the process.

Two walls up what is next?

The back wall.  Oops we cut the boards a bit too short.  Ah well, we just screw on a piece and hope it won't be noticed.

Close up of how we fixed our mistake.

Time for a break.  Yes there will be enough room for me to stretch my legs.

The front wall with the opening for the door.

Time for the seat.  It is a bit big to fit it in.

I know how to fix that!  Just cut off a bit to make it fit.

See it fits.  And yes I can even sit on it without falling in.

This is how Lance figured out how to cut the plywood as all he had was a skill-saw.
Cutting off the corner of the first panel.

Now we have to cut the second panel starting with a piece at the bottom first or was it the top?

All the walls are done.  The front wall ( door has to be cut out yet) and the side wall in view.

Frame done, sides done so time to put it all on the trailer to take it to their property.  Lance asked the neighbours to help to put on the frame as it was pretty heavy.  But you can see the guys are picking it up as if it is made out of match sticks. 

And here we are ready to hook the trailer to the car and away we will go.

Arrived at the property where Lance, Teri and her dad are digging a hole for the structure.

Time for me to go back home so the structure has to be unloaded from the trailer.

They now will have to move it themselves on top of the hole but I am sure they will have no problems doing so.  Next time I go I will take a picture of the finished OUTHOUSE in place.

Hope you enjoyed this photo story of the outhouse.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!!!Ik begrijp je verhaal nu helemaal.
    T.z.t. moet je maar eens vertellen hoe het "outhousje"zit! Jeanne
