Today was not such a good day for us and there are just a few photos to show because of it. It started early this morning when Leo went to check on how much rain had fallen on our new house and also to see if the 'skirting' he had put up to keep our old roof from getting wet was holding up. As he was moving along the roof he forgot we had the opening for the stairs which will connect the old house to the new house. But the stairs are not there yet and right now it is just a big hole, 8 feet deep. Well Leo fell down this hole and landed on his shoulder. He does not remember climbing out of the basement and down the ladder, coming inside the house. The next thing he remembers is taking off his shoes and he looked as white as a ghost. He really worried me as he did not remember what happened. He went into shock so we decided to take him to the Red Deer hospital to have him checked out. Luckily he did not break any bones but does have damage to his shoulder muscles and tendons. He was/is in a lot of pain and his arm is now in a sling. The worst part is it is his right arm. We left around 10 am and were back around 5 pm. We spent about 4 to 5 hours in the hospital. Went for a DQ ice cream after and when we got home Leo went to bed and took some pictures of our second story. The carpenters came around noon and there were only 2 of them today and the left around 6 again. The managed to set up 1 wall and build another one.

This is view from the front of the house.
Here I am at ground level with my camera looking out towards the picture window. Now the window won't be this big but this is the opening for the window.
Here you can get a better idea what the window will look like. Just like the one on the first floor.
This is the second wall the build but it is too heavy to lift with just 2 guys so they will give it a try tomorrow when they have a full crew again.
This is it for today. Not a lot of pictures but a few to keep you up to date.
He, wat een vervelende pech voor Leo en jou natuurlijk. Gelukkig dat Leo er tamelijk goed vanaf gekomen is, tenminste, zoals het nu lijkt.Zijn herstel zal wel een tijd in beslag nemen en ook zal hij behoorlijk wat pijn hebben en krijgen de komende dagen. En dan toch nog foto's maken, Else, hoe kreeg je het voor elkaar? Ze zijn duidelijk hoor, maar ik had er graag een smilende Leo ook op gezien.... Veel sterkte samen.
ReplyDeleteJa helaas zal die glimlachende Leo er een tijdje niet meer in staan. Hoeveel er nog van de video zal komen weten we ook niet daar het zijn rechter schouder is en hij dus niet meer op dat knopje kan drukken of zijn camera kan vast houden.