
This blog is about my friend Jeanne and me. I met Jeanne on the internet years ago and since have kept contact with her through emails and common interests. A few years ago I was lucky enough to meet with Jeanne in person and it has made our friendship closer. Recently Jeanne bought herself a camera and we decided to create this blog and share some of our photos and hobbies.

You will notice this blog is in both English and Dutch.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

We started off with no power

Another day were things did not start out well.  As of 5:28 am we had no power and the guys usually come around 7 to work.  Luckily they had a small generator with them so they could at least do some of the work but if the power stayed off for a long time they would have to go and get a bigger one.  At 8:49 am the power came back on and we were saved.  I guess a tree had fallen on a power line not too far away from here.
I am not taking as many pictures right now as the guys are working with very large boards and I don't want to be in their way or cause an accident.  So I go up early in the morning and again once they are done.  So here are the pictures from today.
The next step for the carpenters is to remove some of our old roof so they can build the wall which will connect our old house to the new house at the roof line.  Here is Joel trying to remove just enough from the top so he can take out the first sheet of metal as that is all they need at the moment.

Here you can see the wood frame from the new to the old building.

Same goes for the other side. A little bit harder to see here as this is the window site and lots of open space.

Here you see the same part covered up with plywood only looking from the inside.  The wall of the second floor will rest on the edge you see even with the bottom of the roof.  The space that is being created behind this wall we hope to use as storage area, like an attic.

Again the other side all covered up.

A look at the roof line and wall for the bedrooms.

This is the centre of the roof and the highest point so all main rafters come together here.

This is taking from the east wall of the bedrooms.

And when I am up in the new building Klaas, the cat, comes with me.  He jumps in through the first story window but when I go down the ladder he comes down after me.  Just had to take a picture of him.

Again some pictures of our window replacements.  This is the 3rd window Jason is replacing.  You can see one of the new windows below.  This window was pretty high up so he set up the scaffolding so it would be easier to work for him.

Jason having to saw out the window.  

Here we have to measure the hole to make sure the window will fit.    This is the window in my hobby room. 

This is it for the photos for today.  Our contractor thinks they will be done the framing by Tuesday.  They will then put on the roof and we can then use the area and get it ready for winter. 
See you tomorrow!


  1. Bijna onderdak! Je foto's zijn weer duidelijk, je verhaal erbij maakt het natuurlijk echt interessant. Nu heb ik het oud-nieuwe raam goed kunnen zien, leek inderdaad veel groter. Op naar de laatste werkzaamheden.

  2. Mooi Else je krijgt een fijn grooot raam in je hobbyruimte.Heb al je foto,s bekeken wat een giga klus hebben jullie onderhanden. Groetjes Bertha
